Yes I Can! You Can Too! – Avita Aliza

cover+cerita+anak+buku+indieLife is short. Before we know it, our time to discover this world
is over and it is time for us to go to another world. Do we
know what will we leave behind for the children, for the grand
children, for the community in general?

This memoir is written based on my inspiring journey through
life, dedicated for my children. It contains motivational words
and real life examples, which can be summarized in the following

  • Finish the set objective
  • Accept your failure, fix it and move on
  • Prioritize, focus
  • Have plan, set time table and do them!
  • Passion in what you are doing
  • Your strength comes from inside you!
  • Adjust to a new environment
  • God is with you all the way

May it be an inspiration for others, too.

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