Practice & Exercises – Mara Untung Ritonga

English is one of the most important languages in the world because it is the most required international language of communication. In today’s global world, English has been playing a major role in many sectors including education, business life, and accessing information, which is the most important arena where English is needed.

A BOOK OF ENGLISH CONVERSATION—An effective way to Master English is a new and complete book of English Conversation. Its explanation and its presentation of this book is different from others. This book is intended the students who are still learning and want to master and to be fluent in English. The final aim of this book is to help you develop your skills in writing and speaking English for active communication in your daily life.

PRACTICE & EXERCISE BOOK—An effective way to Master English is a new and complete Practice & Exercise book. Its explanation and its presentation of this book is different from others. The final aim of this book is to help you develop your skills in writing English.

A great deal of thought and effort was put into the production of this book and we are proud to present it in the hope that this book can meet the demand of the readers. From the bottom of our hearts, we wish each and every one of our readers the best of luck in all their endeavors and remember, practice is key!

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